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Charles Finney’s Sermons on Gospel Themes includes twenty-four sermons preached by Finney at Oberlin College between 1845 and 1861. These sermons integrate spiritual life with experience and emotions and emphasize a profound commitment to moral living as an evidence of faith—the hallmarks of Finney’s theology. This volume also includes sermons on conversion, Christian experience, the atonement,...

man; hence, the more need that God should stand by it, to retrieve its honor. The utmost dishonor is done to law by disowning, disobeying, and despising it. All this, sinning man has done. Hence, this law being not only good, but intrinsically necessary to the happiness of the governed, it becomes of all things most necessary that the law-giver should vindicate his law. He must by all means do it. Hence, sin has involved God’s government in a vast expense. Either the law must be executed at the expense
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